Friday, November 14, 2008

Manfrotto 725B

I was forced to purchase this tripod over the weekend for taking family photos... b/c I forgot my old one at home (not intentionally). This turned out to be a very good thing b/c my old one was NOT cutting it anymore. It didn't REALLY cut it to begin with but did the trick for the time. Anyway, although I know this tripod isn't exactly top of the line, I absolutely love it! Apparently it's made of aircraft aluminum so it's super light yet very sturdy.
On another note, it's been awhile since I've checked out tripods and wasn't aware of the going price, so when I flipped over the price tag dangling before my eyes, I was a little shocked to see $139.00 in tiny red ink. It was one of the least expensive ones too. Ah well... works like a gem! Well, what more can I say?


Jesse said...

A good tripod is an investment you won't regret. And although it may not seem like it, $139 for a manfrotto anything is a good price.

Andrea said...

Hey Kendra! Yes I have a midwife thank the good Lord. It was so wicked to hear the heartbeat today, what a miracle! You have very beautiful kids, by the way, beautiful pics!