Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Saskatoons anyone??

I know where you can get plenty! ;)

As for this photo, I'm not sure how to make the background better.
Perhaps a bright white sheet? I dunno though, I'm going for a warmer look than that.
If it were sunny and warm outside I would take it outdoors with some trees in the background, however...


Increasing... said...

have you done any pics of the pies?

Author of Blog: Kendra Israelson said...

Yes but they weren't fantastic... perhaps I'll post them for some constructive criticism anyhow.
Ooooor I could just bake one up and start fresh:) mmmm! A MUCH better plan;)

Natasha said...

I always like product photos that show related use...for instance, a blurred out background that is just slightly suggestive of pieces of toast with jam or soft, blurry background with neutral colored baking supplies...

I do happen to like your checked tablecloth/napkin thing quite well though.